bsu blue thunder

bsu blue thunder

Monday, July 21, 2008

TWO DAYS!!!!!!!

We're going to the coast in two days :) YEAH!!!!! One place we're going to is the Oregon Coast Aquarium. We haven't been there since they added treasures of the deep exhibit. I can't wait to go. My mom has friends that are going to be there at the same time so we're all going to go on the Marine Discovery tours. That will be fun too :)

This summer has been a fun one with going so many places. After we get home from the coast, we're going to be having the fair. We go on family night and go to the's fun to see. There's a clown at the rodeo...last year he did a super funny skit about a "quarter"horse... he was really funny. When we go to the rodeo, we also get the famous elephant ears to eat while we're there :) It's a great family time.


Ang said...

I love the yummy elephant ears. Have fun at the coast. I'm jealous........wish we could be there too!