Bleh! im almost 16 the worst is that my b day is v day.
but the best things are
* Jasmine is MINE
*that its on Sunday so i do not have to hear about it at school
*i get ordained a priest on my b day
*Closer on my eagle and driving every where
*Being ordained a Priest on my b day
*A very full text message in box
*i get to chill-ax at home and eat and text Jasmine maybe
*i will finally get to fill out military apps and job apps $$$$$$$
*only 2 more years and im 18 and start looking at BSU Blue Thunder Marching Band allot closer and do my auditions
*Thats about it the end
*OH AND HAPPY VALENTINES DAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So exciting!! I didn't realize your birthday was valentines day. That's the day my baby is due, but I think she'll be born the day before. I think it would be a cool day to have a birthday!!! So where are you going to take Jasmine on your first date?!!! I left a comment on your last post - I just barely saw it so the comment is a couple months late! Have a great birthday!!
idk wana take her to a dance so badly with some friends
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