bsu blue thunder

bsu blue thunder

Thursday, June 5, 2008

My last day of middle school

Today is my last day of middle school :) My mom is sad :( I am excited about high school. I get to be in seminary, marching band, band.

For summer I have a job mowing my neighbors lawn :) I can finally work on my personal management merit badge :) When we move I am going to work on my eagle :) YAY!!!!!!!

We are listing the house with a realtor today. Okay, it's time for me to go to school. BYE!!!!!


Ang said...

I thought I already left a comment on here but I guess I didn't. It's crazy to think that you are old enough to go to high school next year. I bet you are so excited! It will be fun to move back to New Plymouth so you can go to school with some of the kids you used to hang out with.